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Next Meeting
19 or 20 November, 2024
Exact date and place tba
Handbook Historical Theatre Research
Distribution of the Chapters
December 11, 2023
14-16 PCHH 6.31
Discussion about the next project:
Publication of a handbook on Historical Theatre Research, to be published by Brill.
October 31, 2019
9-17 Universiteitstheater
Georganiseerd door de Historical Theatre Research Group
Voertaal: Nederlands
Read more
January 7, 2019
14-16 PCHoofthuis 6.31
Discussion about a new joint project on Calderón's "La vida es sueño"
Three main parts of the project: A symposium, a publication, and a planned joint seminar.
November 8, 2017
15-17 PCHoofthuis 5.59
Jelle Koopmans: "On the Problematic History of the Puppet Play"
Claudia Daiber: "Polemics investigated in a late 16th century Fastnachtspiel"
March 14, 2017
13-15 PCHoofthuis 5.25
Carla Dauven, Elke Huwiler, Joris Reynaert, Bart Ramakers: Presentation of the German translation of the Middle Dutch theatre plays "Abele spelen" for the series "BIMILI".
August 30, 2016
15-17 PCHoofthuis 6.06
Suzanne Kooloos, Presentation "(In)Visible Markets - Risky Knowledge: Theatre and Speculation in The Great Mirror of Folly"
Claudia Daiber: Presentation "Kostümierung der Geschlechter. Schauspielkunst als Erfindung der Aufklärung"
January 27, 2016
15-17, Bungehuis K0.4
Discussion about the position of HTR within the Research Institutes of the UvA
Kati Röttger: Presentation of the Call for Papers for the Conference "Text, Performance, and the Production of Knowledge"
May 20, 2015
10-12 Bungehuis 3.02
Discussion about the planned Conference "Text, Performance, and the Production of Knowledge"
December 11, 2014
17- 18 PCHoofthuis 3.19
Joint discussion: Workshop "Text, Performance, and Production of Historical Knowledge", website of the research group, and interdisciplinary elective course
March 25, 2014
10-12 PCHoofthuis 6.31
Jenny Stellemans: Presentation "De opvoeringsgeschiedenis van Maskarad (M. Ju. Lermontov) i.h.k.v ‘nationale stukken’: is Maskarad een nationaal (Sovjet) stuk geworden?"
August 19, 2013
16-18, Bungehuis 4.20
First meeting of the research group
October 1, 2024
15-17 PCHH 2.12
Handbook Historical Theatre Research:
Discussion about content
June 29, 2023
13-15 PCHH 5.02
Planning of the future of the Research Group :
Project ideas
Organization of the Research Group
June 3, 2019
14-16 PCHoofthuis 4.22
Carla Dauven: Het Heilsverhaal, „ik“ en de performance.
Project "La vida es sueño": Information about the symposium on 31st Oct.
October 16, 2018
13-15 PCHoofthuis 5.25
Fans Blom: Information about the possibilities for a historical theatre course
Jan Bloemendal, Peter Eversman, Rob van der Zalm: Information about "In Reprise"
September 19, 2017
13-15 PCHoofthuis 4.28
Frans Blom and Olga van Marion: Presentation of the theatrehistorical NWO-research proposal (vrije competitie) "The Spectacle of Entrepreneurship"
January 26-28, 2017
9-17 Doelenzaal, UvA 5.25
An international conference by the Amsterdam School of Historical Studies (ASH), research group HTR
Organized by Elke Huwiler, Suzanne Kooloos and Jan Lazardzig
May 26, 2016
13-15 PCHoofthuis 4.22
Sabine Muller: Presentation "Bestuurlijke invloeden rond de Amsterdamse schouwburg 1638-1672"
Jan Lazardzig: Update on HTR conference
Marrigje Paijmans and Elke Huwiler:
HTR website
November 30, 2015
13-15 PCHoofthuis 4.28
Claudia Daiber: Presentation "The Reformation on Stage: Protestant Influence on the Passion Play in the Early Modern Period"
Frans Blom: Presentation of ONSTAGE
March 23, 2015
9-18 Universiteitbibliotheek, Belle van Zuylen-zaal
National Workshop "Text, Performance, and Production of Knowledge", organized by Marrigje Paijmans and Philip Westbroek
September 18, 2014
14-16 PCHoofthuis 5.02
Discussion: organization of national workshop
January 23, 2014
15-17, Bungehuis K0.5
Suze van de Poll and Rob van der Zalm: Presentation research project "National theater in Europe"
February 1, 2024
14-16 Place PCHH 5.59
Discussion about the handbook on Historical Theatre Research, to be published by Brill:
Outlining of the chapters
October 18, 2021
16-17 PCHH & Zoom
Presentation "Forum Modernes Theater": Issue "Text, Image, Performance"
Discussion about future projects of HTR
March 26, 2019
13-15 PCHoofthuis 6.06
Presentation abstracts for project Pedro Calderón de la Barca "La vida es sueño"
Frans Blom: Information about historical theatre course organized HTR
March 28, 2018
13-14 PCHoofthuis 6.13
Elke Huwiler: Information on the Conference Proceedings of the HTR Conference
Discussion about the organization of the research group within UvA
May 11, 2017
10-12 PCHoofthuis 6.31
Rob van der Zalm: Presentation of "In reprise"
Yannice de Bruyn: Introduction of the PhD workgroup of the University of Gent
November 11, 2016
15-17 PCHoofthuis 5.25
Carla Dauven: Presentation "Das Brixener Passionsspiel 1551 im Kontext seiner Zeit".
Jan Lazardzig: Presentation "Technologies of Theatre. Joseph Furttenbach and the Transfer of Mechanical Knowledge in Early Modern Theatre Cultures".
March 22, 2016
15-17 Bungehuis 3.02
Marrigje Paijmans: Presentation: "The Spinozist Foundation of the New Netherland"
Jelle Koopmans: Presentation of Edition des sotties.
Discussion about joint elective course
September 23, 2015
13-15, Bungehuis 3.02
Jan Lazardzig: Research presentation "Paper Files, Anecdotes, and the Police. On Historiographies of Theater Censorship"
February 19, 2015
14-16 PCHoofthuis 5.48
Discussion of theoretical texts:
Joseph Rouse: "Power and Knowledge"
Helmar Schramm: Introduction: "Place and Trace in Theatrum Scientarum"
June 5, 2014
10-16, PCHoofthuis 5.59
Internal workshop of the research group: presentation of ongoing research and future research projects
October 17, 2013
11-13, PCHoofthuis 6.15
Discussion of theoretical text:
Thomas Postlewait "Theatre Historiography"
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