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A joint project of the members of the Research Group HTR
In the project “La vida es sueño”, the interdisciplinary research group HTR puts the theatre play “Life is a Dream” (1635) by Pedro Calderón de la Barca at the centre of attention.
We will look at the dissimination of the play within Europe, as well as the various translations, reception histories and performance practices.
The aim is to look at one subject from diverse disciplines (various literary & language studies and theatre studies) in order to exchange knowledge of content and methodologies, as well as to benefit from joint interdisciplinary approaches. Moreover, the project aims at a collaboration between academic studies on drama/theatre and performance practices, as well as a combination of research and academic teaching.
There will be three main parts of the project: A symposium, a publication, and a planned joint seminar at the University.
Symposium "La vida es sueño"
Georganiseerd door de Historical Theatre Research Group
Voertaal: Nederlands
31 oktober 2019
Universiteit van Amsterdam
University Theatre, University of Amsterdam
Ochtendprogramma: Vertaalworkshop en prijsuitreiking
Open voor studenten Geesteswetenschappen en andere geïnteresseerden
Middagprogramma: Presentaties
Open voor iedereen
Avondprogramma: Interview met vertaler Eric Coenen en regisseur Olivier Diepenhorst, met aansluitend filmregistratie van de opvoering "La vida es sueño" door Toneelschuur
Open voor iedereen
Gesponsord door
Amsterdam School of Historical Studies
Huygens Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis
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