Members of the research group
Prof. Dr. J. Bloemendal
Senior Researcher Latin Literary Studies, Huygens Institute
Research areas: Neo-Latin drama and theatre; dynamics between neo-Latin and vernacular drama; theatre and public opinion
Assistant Professor Dutch Literary Studies, University of Amsterdam (UvA)
Research areas: European Circulation of Theater; Cultural Industry of Theater; Cultural Transfer; Theater in Translation; ONSTAGE (Online Data System for Amsterdam Theater in the Golden Age)
Lecturer German Studies and European Studie, Uva; Research Fellow at the Radboud University Nijmegen
Research areas: Historical Theatre in the German and Dutch speaking regions; Yiddish theatre and its connections with the theatre from the German speaking countries; Digital Humanities
Assistant Professor Theatre Studies, UvA
Research areas: Theatre and education; Youth theatre; Contemporary Dutch theatre; Dramaturgy
Dr. P.G.F. Eversmann
Associate Professor Theatre Studies (retd), UvA
Assistant Professor German Literary Studies, UvA
Research areas: (Swiss) Early Modern Theatre; Edition Philology; Wilhem Tell in Theatre
Senior Lecturer English Renaissance Literature and Culture, UvA
PhD Theatre Studies, UvA
Research areas: Theatre history; theatricality; eighteenth century; the market; speculation
Associate Professor French Literary Studies, UvA
Assistant Professor European studies, UvA
Associate Professor Global Performance History, Theatre Studies, UvA
Assistant Professor Dutch Literature, University of Leiden
Assistant professor in Dutch Literature, Dutch Language and Culture, UvA.
Research areas: Early Modern Literature; Water; Affect Theory; Decolonial Theory; Ecocriticism
Visiting Assistant Professor Theatre Studies, UvA
MA Theatre Studies, UvA
Assistant Professor Theatre Studies, UvA
Associated Members
Associate Professor French Literary Studies, Utrecht University
Professor of Theatre Studies, Freie Universität Berlin
Associate Professor European Studies, UvA
Research areas: Dutch revolt; Anglo-Dutch-Spanish relations; translation studies; cultural transfer